The fungus elimination program

the Candseptic Kit for the elimination of candida fungus

Many people who suffer from a “slow metabolism” cannot lose weight no matter what diet they follow. These people with “slow metabolisms” seem to gain weight just by looking at food.

After several years of research, we found that there was a hidden factor causing “slow metabolism” and preventing weight loss. This hidden factor is the fungus called candida albican that every human being has in the body. Under normal conditions, the candida fungus is not a problem, BUT in a body that is overweight or has diabetes, the fungus proliferates and creates a “slow metabolism” . The candida fungus, when it invades the body, creates the following symptoms: itchy skin, excess digestive gas, “metal taste” in the mouth, depression, sinusitis, migraines, vaginal itching or discharge, vaginal pain or burning during sexual intercourse. , constant fatigue, allergy to certain metal jewelry and especially a “slow metabolism”. People who carry a lot of mushrooms in them usually fail in every diet they try.

This candida fungus feeds mainly on carbohydrates  (bread, flour, pizza, rice, fries, sugar, chocolate and sugary sodas such as Coca-Cola© and others). If a person has a habit of eating this type of food, they will have significant problems with candida fungus infection. A strong fungus infection will develop and the 78 different toxins it secretes will cause the metabolism to become very slow and it will then be impossible for that person to lose weight.  Candida fungus infection is the leading cause of failure for most dieters and exercisers. All of this is described in detail in the book The Power of Your Metabolism under the chapter “The Candida Albicans Fungus, the Silent Epidemic”.

An effective way to speed up metabolism is to do a candida cleanse with the Candiagnostic® Basic Program. This program lasts 28 days with 3 supplements to reduce the fungus colony and allow the person to combat their “slow metabolism”. The 3 supplements contained in the CANDIAGNOSTIC® program are: CANDIDA CLEANSE® to kill candida fungi, IMMUNE SUPPORT™ to help the body eliminate toxins caused by the death of fungi and GOOD FLORA® which is a supplement composed of good bacteria ( acidophilus, bulgaricus, bifidus) for your intestines and which protect your body against any new infections of the candida fungus.

After cleansing the body with CANDIAGNOSTIC® BASIC PROGRAM, it will be much easier for you to lose weight in addition to the benefits of no longer having the symptoms linked to candida such as sinusitis, migraines and itchy skin.

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